​The Conservation of Dugongs and Sea Grass

With the realization in the significance of decreasing Dugongs (or, sea cows) THINK EARTH, in collaboration with Trang Chamber of Commerce and other governmental and private organizations, has initiated the program to conserve the last school of sea cows and their fodder, the sea grass.

Dugongs (Sea Cows)
Dugongs or sea cows usually live in a school of up to 100. Presently the number has been greatly decreased. The biggest school found in Trang has only 60 sea cows.  This is a sign that this species is threatened with extinction.

Sea cows are very important to the sustenance of marine food chain for they eat sea grass and their droppings become food for smaller organisms in the sea.

Sea Grass (potomogetomaceae, or, Hydrocharitacaee)***
This floral plant can adapt itself well to marine ecology. Not only is it the main diet of the sea cows, but it can also prevent soil erosion along the seashore. Planktons and other tiny organisms can also reside by its roots. Moreover, the decayed grass provides nutrients for the ecology along  the shorelines.

The Research Center and Museum of Irrawaddy Dolphin (Orcaelly Brevirostris)
THINK EARTH in collaboration with The Dolphin Protection Club of Patthalung and locals around Lum Pum Lake have combined force to organize activities and research in their attempt to protect the last two schools of dolphins in this area.