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Siam Motors Group celebrates 70th anniversary, moving forward to create society to 7 schools with the project “Table fulfill the dream, share the love for the students”

Posted on 23/03/2565

 Siam Motors Group under the cooperation of 3 companies, namely Siam Motors Co., Ltd., Siam Hitachi Elevator Co., Ltd. and Hitachi Elevator (Thailand) Co., Ltd., organized the Care & Share by Siam Motors Group the project “ Table  fulfill the dreams, shared the love for the students.

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Siam Motors Group, by bringing scrap left over from the manufacturing process in the factory of Siam Hitachi Elevator Co., Ltd.,  to create ideas to make tables and chairs for 7 schools in the area near the Siam Motors Group factories. To bring happiness and smiles to schools that lack school supplies and the last activity to repair the school building and bathroom at Wat Noen Tamak School, Chonburi.